Date: Monday March 16th, 2015
Subject: Zumbro Volunteer Communication 2 2015
Hello All,
You are receiving this email because:
1.) You have already signed up to volunteer for the 2015 Zumbro Endurance Run (17MI, 50MI & 100MI) April 10 & 11 2015.
2.) You previously expressed interest in volunteering.
3.) Because you volunteered last year and we want you back! If you are not planning to volunteer again this year, no worries – this will be the last email you get this year.
If you are planning to volunteer and have not yet signed up please do so at your earliest convince – this helps us stay up to date with your most current contact info and have details regarding your availability, you can sign up HERE
I would like to thank you all for your willingness to help with the Zumbro Endurance Run – we could not put on this race without the support of dedicated volunteers like yourself. We are still looking for a few more volunteers, primarily for the end of the day on Saturday to help get us cleaned up and loaded out. We will be adding new volunteers to the roster as they sign up. If anyone is interested in helping with some cleanup in Hastings on Sunday, please let us know as well!
We have started making volunteer assignments and at this point they are considered preliminary and are subject to tweaks and changes over the next few weeks – volunteer assignments can be found HERE – we use the information you provided us when you signed up regarding your desired positions and availability in order to make the assignments – that being said, we always take a few liberties and make some assumptions along the way so if we have made any errors in assigning you i.e. durations are too long or too short or if something will not work for you, please reach out – we want to make volunteering work for you and make it a great experience for everyone!
You can learn more about the position to which you are being assigned HERE
A complete list of what items will be provided at the aid station HERE – as always feel free to bring whatever you would like to make aid stations more comfortable for you, more festive for the runners and as always feel free to bring an extra / special food item or two to really impress the runners. If you are new to working an aid station, here is a quick tutorial– also, once final assignments are set we will send out an email with the aid station captains email address so you can coordinate with them as well.
As always please be sure to learn what you can about the race on the website so you are as informed as possible about the race. I believe that is all for now, keep your eyes peeled in a couple of weeks for final volunteer assignments and any final information.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thank You,