Zumbro Solo Mission
Zumbro Solo Mission

As we all know the 2020 Zumbro Endurance Run was cancelled due to COVID-19. For those of you that were registered for the race and would like to get out, run one of the race distances on your own (either on the actual race course, or anywhere you choose) you can do so and then submit your Solo Mission on the Zumbro website! Please see the ‘Details’ section below if you are interested and would like more information about how it works. After you review the ‘Details’ section, should you choose to run the actual race course, it is very important that you then review the ‘Logistics’ section. If you were not already officially registered for one of the Zumbro Endurance Run race distances and would like to participate in the Solo Mission, you can – information about what you need to do can be found at the very end of the ‘Details’ section.
The 2020 Zumbro Endurance Run was cancelled due to COVID-19. Early on in the pandemic we were very hesitant to facilitate any kind of a virtual run (or whatever you want to call it), due to state orders requiring that we all shelter in place and not travel too far from home. These factors, along with just generally being concerned about our runners health led us to take a wait and see approach. As the year has progressed, we have all learned that we are going to have to learn to live with and adapt to this virus for quite some time. While we know that we cannot get back to normal anytime soon, we can still get out on some solo missions! As we all know, these pursuits are good for mind, body and spirit.
If you were registered to run any of the three Zumbro Endurance Run race distances, you are welcome to go and run the actual race course OR run another route of equivalent length closer to your home and then submit your data using the form that is linked below – one of the things we love about this challenge is the flexibility that it allows. You can run any of the three race distances; 100MI, 50MI or 17MI – feel free to switch down or up. You will do this entirely on your own or with a couple of close friends – you are welcome to have someone crew for you. Keep in mind that while you can go run it as fast as you want, the Zumbro Solo Mission is not a race. If you choose to go run the actual course it will not be marked, there will be no competition, aid stations, etc. (read; the things that make a race, a race). You will use your own course knowledge, a map, load a GPS track on your phone or watch, navigating the course on your own, carrying all of your own water and supplies while being self-sufficient and/or using a crew person. Please note that we will not be ranking runners (1st, 2nd, 10th, etc.), your results will not be recorded in the official / all-time race results, instead will be kept on a different section of our website. There will be no finisher medals or awards – it is certainly not that your effort is not awesome or worthy, its just that our take is that a race is a race (which we cannot wait to get back to) and this is something different – a Solo Mission, just for fun, in lieu of actually getting to race this year. Have fun with it, but please do not gather large groups and be sure to follow all Minnesota state guidelines for keeping yourself and others safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you choose to run the actual course be sure to see the logistics section.
You can log runs through Dec 31, 2020.
If you would like to bounce ideas off of fellow runners or share your run, a good place to do that would be on the Rocksteady Running Community Page on Facebook HERE under the topic Zumbro Endurance Run. If you have any other questions, feel free to email us!
Finally, if you were not already officially registered for the Zumbro Endurance Run, but would like to participate in the Zumbro Solo Mission, we welcome you to do so! We ask for a donation (in any amount that works for you) to help with the administration of the challenge, which you can make HERE, additionally if you would like a t-shirt or any Zumbro merch you can pick something up HERE.
While the Zumbro Bottoms Management Unit is open year round to the public for hiking, running and other forms of recreation it is important to note that from May 1 to November 1 the primary use of the trails is horse-back-riding. As a result the trails can be churned up and super sandy during the Summer and Fall (read; slow / energy sucking)! Zumbro can be a touch inhospitable and unforgiving and even a little confusing to navigate for some. We suggest above average navigation skills if you are going to go tackle the course on your own – for all but the most experienced, going with a friend is strongly encouraged. Some of the trail names are marked at intersections but not all – there are some general maps of the area posted throughout the management unit. Please make sure you are aware of when the hunting seasons are and do not go during deer hunting season (especially the firearm season(s) which start in early November) – links to that info is available HERE along with some other helpful information that we provide regarding training at Zumbro which will apply equally to the Solo Mission. Finally, please note that for the official race we use a piece of private property to connect up some trails on the South end of the management unit – if you are doing the Solo Mission (or are just out training), you cannot go on this private property, thus the out and back on Paddy’s Hill and the out and back into the Central Assembly area shown on the map linked below. This is a pretty minor tweak for the Solo Mission or in training and the course still really flows nice!
Directions to the start / finish area, which is officially called the Zumbro Bottoms Horse Campground West can be found HERE, this is generally just outside the town of Theilman, MN. Additionally, written directions are available on our Maps and Data page.
If you are unfamiliar with the race course we strongly suggest using multiple forms of navigation. A GPX file uploaded onto your watch or phone, along with our race map printed out. Additionally, bringing a friend who already knows the course for a physically distanced run would be super helpful too!
A static Zumbro Solo Mission specific course map can be found HERE https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/wp-content/uploads/Zumbro-Endurance-Run-Training-Map.jpg
(Note the differences from this map to the actual race map per the notes above. Also note that if you do not know the course already, trying to follow the map alone does not always work the best – you will also want a map of the course on your watch or phone, available below)
An interactive course map via PlotARoute can be found HERE
While you can view this on mobile, it is best viewed on a computer. About halfway down the page, PlotARoute gives you the option to download the GPX file if you would like to upload it to your GPS watch (note that only certain models have this feature), your phone / preferred mapping app etc.