Tuesday, March 26th, 2013
Hello All,
You are receiving this email because you have signed up to volunteer at the 2013 Zumbro Endurance Run (17MI, 50MI & 100MI). For starters, I would like to thank you – we could not put on this race without the support of dedicated volunteers like yourself. We are still looking for more volunteers for both Friday and Saturday, so if you know of anyone, please help put the word out.
We will start making volunteer assignments this weekend and early next week (Week of April 1st) – once they have been made, volunteer assignments can be viewed HERE https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/ volunteers/volunteer- assignments/ – we will use the information you provided us when registering – regarding your desired positions and availability, however, please keep in mind that these assignments are subject to some tweaks right up until the event, so we ask that you check back at least a few times leading up to the race.
You can learn more about the position to which you are being assigned HERE https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/ volunteers/resources/ volunteer-jobs/
A complete list of what items will be provided at the aid station HERE https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/ volunteers/resources/aid- station-supplies/ – as always feel free to bring whatever you would like to make the aid station more comfortable for you, more festive for the runners and as always feel free to bring an extra / special food item or two to really impress the runners.
If you are new to working an aid station, here is a quick tutorial https://www.zumbro100. com/volunteers/volunteer- updates/
As always please be sure to learn what you can about the race on the website so you are as informed as possible about the race.I believe that is all for now, keep your eyes peeled early next week for assignments and in the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thank You,
Thank You,
John Storkamp
Race Director
Zumbro 100 Mile Endurance Run