Photo Credit – Zach Pierce
Welcome runners to the 10th annual Zumbro 100, 50 and 17 Mile Endurance Run! We are excited to be hosting another super talented field of runners hailing from 22 states and two Canadian provinces, all coming to experience the magic of Zumbro! The 17 mile and 50 mile races both sold out in record time again this year and we have a record size field in the 100 mile race. Registered: 100MI=132 , 50MI=254, 17MI=506. HERE is an awesome preview of this years race written by Zumbro staff writer (and your fellow 100 mile participant) Kevin Langton https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/zumbro-endurance-run-2018-race-preview-by-kevin-langton/ – Over 200 volunteers (primarily your fellow trail runners) have signed on to help make this experience awesome for all of you! The race course is currently covered in a few of inches of snow (with some light snow falling as I type this email) but with warming temps this coming week we expect some of that to melt and turn to ice, slush, water and mud – read; things are going to change this coming week (for better and for worse) so come prepared for anything and everything!
This email is going to be short and sweet and will generally lack specifics since all of the specifics can be found on our website HERE http://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/ – PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take the time to read through the website and at an absolute minimum read over / see the following as it pertains to the distance you are running. There is only one kind of trail / ultrarunner that we do not like, those that fail to read up in advance of a race – they are the bane of a race directors existence and a liability to themselves and all of their fellow racers.
• https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/100-mile-info/
• https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/50-mile-info/
• https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/17-mile-info/
• https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/maps-and-data/ – for all distances
• https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/2018-bib-assignments/ – please know your bib number when you check in
*100 mile and 50 mile runners, use your assigned race number to mark your drop bags. Your drop bags should include your first name, last name, race number and aid station location for each particular bag.
Additional Notes:
IMPORTANT CHANGE: Crew & Spectator Access of Aid Stations
Due to a hard and persistent Winter, runoff / erosion and general wear and tear, the Minimum Maintenance road leading to Aid Station 1/4 (Bridge) and Aid Station 2/3 (Sand Coulee) is in poor condition and as a result we will not be allowing any (vehicular) crew / spectator access to these aid stations including crew and spectators associated with the 100 mile race. If your crew / spectators wish to see you at these aid stations they may hike to see you – we will mark some shortcuts (for crew members only – not runners) who wish to make this hike – it is about a 1 mile hike from the start / finish area to Aid Station 1/4 (with one significant hill) and then another approx 1 mile hike from 1/4 to 2/3 (which never was drive-able), crew and spectators should be prepared for a difficult and muddy hike. We will also be running a couple of informal shuttles that WILL NOT run on a regular schedule but that your crew / spectators may hop on if they see it. More information about this topic can be found HERE https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/zumbro-100-mile-crew-spectator-access-to-aid-stations/
IMPORTANT: Driving & Parking:
Parking is limited at the race start / finish area – we strongly encourage car-pooling. With lingering Winter conditions carpooling will be more important than ever – PLEASE DO YOUR PART AND CARPOOL! If your driving route happens to bring you through the town of Theilman please drive very slowly / cautiously through town – this is a very very small community that is not used to seeing much traffic this time of year, please be respectful. The Zumbro Bottoms West Assembly Campground does not have a “parking lot” per se’, it is a campground and is setup as much, there is quite a bit of space as long as people park sanely / respectfully, please do not double park or park in any muddy area. Those not camping please drive all the way to the back / far end of the campground and start filling that space first.
FOR 100 MILE RUNNERS (but everyone should read) – Pink Ribbon In Lieu of Back Bib:
Because the 100 mile race is not the only race happening during race weekend and we have a lot of 50 and 17 mile runners (50 mile starts at 12:01AM Saturday and 17 mile starts at 9:00AM Saturday) 100 milers will pick up a piece of pink ribbon when they check in and tie it to the back of their hydration pack, waist belt etc. so they can easily be identified by runners doing the other distances, hopefully you will get some cheers and passed with care by these fresher / more energetic runners. Then… PACER BIBS – again this year we will have pacer bibs for 100 mile runners pacers, you can pick up pacer bibs (as many as you need) at packet pickup or on race morning. Everybody’s effort / race is important whether you are running 17 miles, 50 miles or 100 miles but we ask that special consideration and right of way be given to 100 mile runners – by the time 50 mile and 17 mile runners hit the course the 100 mile runners will have been out on the trail for a long time and will not be as sharp, quick to react or as steady on their feet as the fresher more energetic runners starting the shorter distances.
NEW FOR 2018: FOR 50 MILE RUNNERS (but everyone should read) – Blue Ribbon In Lieu of Back Bib:
50 mile runners will be issued a piece of blue ribbon for the same reasons stated above.
Bib Numbers:
You bib number should be worn on the front of your body on your outer-most layer at all times. As always, your timing chip will be affixed to the back of your race bib, do not fold, bend or crease your bib. There is a spot on the back of your bib for you to write you emergency contact information and while the race does have this info on file and on the race site you are also encouraged to write your emergency contact info on the back of your bib in the space provided, we will have Sharpie markers at check-in for you to do as much. More info on bib numbers can be found HERE https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/2018-race-numbers/
Cell and Internet:
There is no cell or 4G reception at the race start / finish area or out at the other aid stations… plan accordingly. You can sometimes get cell / Internet at some of the nearby highpoints, both on the race course and on the local roads.
Race results will be available HERE https://results.chronotrack.com/event/results/event/event-39133 after the race, and,if if things go as well as they did last year, every 100 mile and 50 mile runners 17 mile splits will be broadcast in real time – that said, we make no guarantees of this since we are doing some technological magic to make this happen in an area with no cell or internet coverage.
Clothing & Staying Warm:
Some runners have gotten themselves in trouble by not having, carrying or wearing enough clothing… we strongly encourage runners to carry a small / light packable shell jacket or large plastic garbage bag – having this could keep you from getting super cold should we get cold temps and rain / snow which looks to be the case at some point during the race according to current forecasts. IMPORTANT: keep in mind that there are no heated facilities or buildings at Zumbro (just an unheated park pavillion) – your options for staying warm are to produce body heat through running, have warm clothing to put on or getting into your warm vehicle after you finish or in the event that you drop out of the race.
Race Shirt:
This years race shirt / design has been unveiled and is available to check out HERE https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/2018-race-shirts/
Swag for sale:
We will have all kinds of sweatshirts, t-shirts, posters, stickers etc. for sale – there is no cell or Internet at the start / finish area so we cannot process credit cards so check or cash only please.
Please check out our awesome sponsors! Our event would not be possible without them! https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/sponsors/
In closing / TO REITERATE:
PLEASE READ THE INFO ON OUR WEBSITE and know what is going on and what to expect etc – our job is to put on a good race – your job before the race is to read the website and know what is going on, after that your job is to show up and run and have a great time! We are looking forward to seeing everyone later this week / weekend! PS. Should you have any questions it is best to get them in to me in the next couple of days since starting Thursday we will have very limited access to internet.
Thank You,
John Storkamp
Race Director
[email protected]