Mile In My Shoes (MiMS)
Run Zumbro, win goodies, and collect good vibes while supporting a great cause by becoming a Mile in My Shoes (MiMS) FundRacer!
Rocksteady Running is proud to have Mile in My Shoes as an official Zumbro Endurance Run charity partner.
MiMS is a local nonprofit that uses the power of running to bring together people from diverse backgrounds to build connections, boost wellness, spark social change, and center people traditionally excluded from running spaces. Based in homeless shelters, addiction recovery programs and re-entry centers for people exiting incarceration, MiMS views running as a tool for both personal and collective transformation. By focusing on people and spaces often marginalized in our society, MiMS teams use movement as a catalyst for social justice. By bringing together people from all walks of life, Members not only find common ground, but learn from and reach out to one another for support.
What is a FundRacer?
FundRacers use their Zumbro Endurance Run experience as an opportunity to raise critical funding for Mile in My Shoes. Because MiMS is a 501(c)3 organization that relies solely on donations, every FundRacer plays a critical role in allowing MiMS to bring the power of running to more people in need. FundRacing is simple – MiMS helps you create a FundRacing page to share with family and friends, or raise your funds in other ways! (MiMS can help!) The more you raise, the more perks you receive: $300 – Official MiMS tech tank or shirt. $500 – Exclusive MiMS supersoft hoodie. $1000 – All of the above + MiMS run hat + your race entry refunded (up to $100). At the $1000 / $2000 level you could earn free, guaranteed entry into ANY 2025 OR 2026 Rocksteady Running race of your choice * Limited to 3 entries each for each of the RSR lottery races per year; Superior Spring Trail Race ($1000) & Superior Fall Trail Race ($2000). If you hope to raise $1K / $2K or more in hopes of securing one of these lottery-bypass entries, please communicate this to MiMS in advance to find out if there are still entries available.
Here’s how to get started:
1.) Learn more about MiMS HERE http://www.mileinmyshoes.mn/about-us and FundRacing HERE http://www.mileinmyshoes.mn/fundracing
2.) Sign up to FundRace HERE https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScGLY3xfKL2KV0nWmfJyzEMz-1ySrNSPCi8TSNmRRgZdDYeMA/viewform. MiMS will reach out to you within 24 hours with info and support on getting started fundraising.
3.) If you are not yet registered, register yourself for Zumbro as normal during the registration period before the race sells out or registration closes. MiMS will reimburse you up to $100 for your entry fee if you achieve $1000 in fundraising.
4.) Fundraise and race (FundRace) for a great cause! FundRacer resources can be found HERE http://www.mileinmyshoes.mn/fundracing-toolkit
5.) Questions? Email [email protected]
Your Support Makes a Difference:
The Rocksteady Running community raised nearly $10,000 for Mile in My Shoes in 2023 and $15,000 in 2024!
Welcoming MiMS Members and Alumni:
In addition to the FundRacing component of the Rocksteady Running / Mile in My Shoes Partnership, MiMS Members and Alumni are encouraged to participate. This year, we will be offering free entry to Alumni Members ready to tackle a long-distance trail run like Zumbro, Afton or Superior. We will also be hosting a Mile in My Shoes team at an Endless Summer race to introduce new runners to the magic of the trail.
“After 16 years incarcerated, I came out feeling like I had a scarlet letter on my chest. I honestly didn’t believe there were good people in the world. Mile in My Shoes changed all of that. After just two or three weeks of team runs the wall I’d built up around me had come down. My mom said “Wow, I got my son back.”