Volunteer Jobs

Please review all of the information provided for the job(s) that you have been assigned to and print what you think you may need.  We also ask that you review rest of the general information on the website so you can be the best resource possible for participants and fellow volunteers.  A list of volunteer assignments can be found HERE.  Thank you!

100 Mile Runner Check-In


The direct link to this content is https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/volunteer-jobs/#100-mile-runner-check-In


Day: Friday

6:15 AM

8:15 AM


Report To:
Zumbro Bottoms West Assembly Area – Race Start / Finish. Lead: Cheri Storkamp


Description / Responsibilities:

• Greet runners and look runners name up on list, check them in / put check mark next to their name on the list and hand them their bib number.

• Hand runners the giveaway item; hat, shirt, etc.

• Direct runners to where they can put their drop bags.

• Quickly help answer runners questions (as to not hold up the line) for more involved questions direct them to Cheri, John or someone else not doing check in.

• Possibly help with coffee or merch.

• Help pack up Check-In supplies and reconfigure area as needed.



17 & 34 Mile Runner Check-In


The direct link to this content is https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/volunteer-jobs/#17-and-34-mile-runner-check-In


Day: Saturday

Start: 5:15 AM

9:15 AM


Report To:
Zumbro Bottoms West Assembly Area – Race Start / Finish. Lead: Cheri Storkamp


Description / Responsibilities:

• Greet runners and look runners name up on list, check them in / put check mark next to their name on the list and hand them their bib number.

• Hand runners the giveaway item; hat, shirt, etc.

• Direct runners to where they can put their drop bags.

• Quickly help answer runners questions (as to not hold up the line) for more involved questions direct them to Cheri, John or someone else not doing check in.

• Possibly help with coffee or merch.

• Help pack up Check-In supplies and reconfigure area as needed.


50 Mile Runner Check-In


The direct link to this content is https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/volunteer-jobs/#50-mile-runner-check-In


Day: Friday into early Saturday

Start: 10:15 PM Friday

12:01 AM Saturday


Report To:
Zumbro Bottoms West Assembly Area – Race Start / Finish. Lead: Cheri Storkamp


Description / Responsibilities:

• Greet runners and look runners name up on list, check them in / put check mark next to their name on the list and hand them their bib number.

• Hand runners the giveaway item; hat, shirt, etc.

• Direct runners to where they can put their drop bags.

• Quickly help answer runners questions (as to not hold up the line) for more involved questions direct them to Cheri, John or someone else not doing check in.

• Possibly help with coffee or merch.

• Help pack up Check-In supplies and reconfigure area as needed.


Aid Station 1 - Rescue Point E (Unstaffed)


The direct link to this content is https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/volunteer-jobs/#aid-station-1-rescue-point-e-unstaffed


This is an unstaffed, water-only aid station located at Rescue Point E on the Zumbro Endurance Run race course, you can locate it on the map published HERE https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/maps-and-data/ There will be no genera / aid station volunteers staffed at this aid station. Volunteers on the logistics team will monitor the water supply at this location and refill as needed. If we have enough / extra Communications Volunteers, they may be assigned at this location for a portion of the race. A 4WD truck is required to access this location. It is about a 25 minute drive from the West Assembly area.



Aid Station 2 - Central Assembly


The direct link to this content is https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/volunteer-jobs/#aid-station-2-central-assembly



Day(s): Friday & Saturday

Open By: 9:00 AM Friday *

First Runner: 9:40 (best guess)

Close: 5:00 PM Saturday (approximate)

Cutoff: NA

* The aid station captain may want a couple of helpers earlier than 9AM to get a jump on setup, the balance of the setup can happen starting at 9:00AM when the majority of the first shift volunteers arrive.


Report To:
Aid Station 2 / Central Captain, Kurt Decker from Twin Cities Running Company. Kurt may designate someone in charge for a portion of the overnight so he can get some sleep.


Google Maps Link https://goo.gl/maps/8nrBajDJB6GiivyA6 – if Google Maps tells you to take Zumbro Bottoms Road over the red iron bridge and through Zumbro Bottoms, don’t, instead you need to get yourself to Theilman first, then follow directions to Central Assembly via THESE written directions from Theilman: Head .7 miles southeast on Wabasha County RD 4. Turn left / head east onto 624th ST / T-113 and go 1.7 miles to 235th Ave / T-70.  Central Assembly will be 1.9 miles on your left. Drive very slow, this is a minimum maintenance road and it passes by (nearly through) one farm.


Aid Station 2 / Central Assembly will be visited by runners one time per loop. It is located approximately 13.5 miles into the Zumbro Race Course loop, 8.5 miles from the previous aid station, Aid Station 1 / Rescue Point E, which is an unstaffed water-only aid station. It is approximately 3.5 miles of flat running to Aid Station 3 which is at the race headquarters / start-finish area also known as West Assembly.  Aid station supplies will be dropped off in advance of your arrival. There are no drop bags at this aid station. Crew / spectator access is not allowed. There are toilets at this location, plenty of parking and space to camp.  There will be Communications Volunteers at this aid station to handle race communications. Please tear down and pack up aid station supplies before you leave for pickup by the logistics / supply crew.


Work the aid station – read AID STATION 101 if you have questions.


Related Information:
Maps and Directions
Aid station Supplies Provided
General Information About Working An Aid Station
Emergency Services Contact Information




Aid Station 3 - Start / Finish Area


The direct link to this content is https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/volunteer-jobs/#aid-station-3-start-finish-area


Day(s): Friday & Saturday

Open By:
10:00 AM Friday

First Runner: 10:15AM (best guess)


Cutoff: 100 mile runners must start loop 6, 50 mile runners loop 3, and 34 mile runners loop 2, by 12:45PM Saturday


Report To:
Aid Station Captain(s) – Aid Station 3 / Start-Finish Area / West Assembly Area; Scott Noerenberg, Karin Noerenberg and Jason Tintes


Directions can be found HERE https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/getting-to-zumbro/


Aid Station 3 is located at the start / finish area of the race at the Zumbro Bottoms West Assembly Area.  As runners complete each 16.7 mile loop they will come through Aid Station 3 – many will go to their drop bags and / or vehicles. There is crew, spectator and family access at this location. There is plenty of parking, places to camp and bathrooms for volunteers.


Work the aid station – read AID STATION 101 if you have questions.


Related Information:
Maps and Directions
Aid station Supplies Provided
General Information About Working An Aid Station
Emergency Services Contact Information






The direct link to this content is https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/volunteer-jobs/#coffee


Day: Friday – Saturday

Start: Fri AM 6:00



Report To:
Zumbro Bottoms Management Area West Assembly Area (Start / Finish) area. Report to Cheri Storkamp


Description / Responsibilities:
We take our coffee seriously. We go through a lot of coffee at Zumbro!  It is just about a full time job brewing coffee around the start / finish area, thus we assign a volunteer(s) to help with this task!  We have two commercial airpot brewers and we brew high quality coffee into our dozen or so airpots, brewing both regular coffee and a little bit of decaf for when we all start to get the jitters.  If you always wanted to be a barista, here is your chance!




Course Marking


The direct link to this content is https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/volunteer-jobs/#course-marking


Day: Wednesday

9:00 AM

5:00 PM approx


Report To:
Zumbro River Bottoms Management Unit Red Iron Bridge (when conditions allow, otherwise West Assembly Area)


Special Note:
This position is only available to those that want to make a multi-year commitment. We will train you how to mark the course using our system. Please send an email if you are interested / prior to requesting course marking when signing up to volunteer.  Thank you for your interest!


Description / Responsibilities:
Mark race course sections varying in distance from 3 to 7 miles in accordance with our marking protocol. Each section will be assigned at least one experienced marking ‘lead’ and one or two helpers (most of whom are also experienced). The lead will indicate when and where to place markers, as opposed to two or three people placing markers wherever / whenever they “think” they should go. Be sure to clearly mark in and out of Rescue Point E and  Aid Station 2 Central / do not take for granted that runners (and aid station volunteers) will just “know” where they are supposed to go.

Marking is a hiking task, not a running task. Volunteers need to be very fit, able to carry some weight and travel a long distance on foot. You will need to carry a daypack and be prepared for all weather conditions; i.e. bring rain gear, something warm, etc. Pack food and water and plan to be out all day. Work gloves are recommended due to rust on the reflective marking flag hangers. Leads may want a ‘hammer and a spike’ or hammer drill for hard to install markers (rocky / gravel areas, parking lots, etc.)


Related Information:
Maps and Data

Course Sweeping


The direct link to this content is https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/volunteer-jobs/#course-sweeping


A skilled, experienced and well organized sweep team is essential for event safety. We ask those who are interested in sweeping make a make a multi-year commitment since there is a training component / learning curve. If you are interested in joining the trail sweeping team, please contact the race director to discuss.


Day: Saturday

Start: On-site by 11:30AM, meet at 12:00PM and again at 12:30PM in advance of the 12:45PM Cutoff when the sweep will start.

As late as 7:00 PM


Report To:
Zumbro River Bottoms West Assembly Area (Start / Finish) – Sweep Lead: Paul Hasse.

Since it can be pretty busy / a sea of people around the finish on Saturday, Sweepers will meet at the ‘flagpole’ that is adjacent to the finish start / finish line and Aid Station 3 pavilion at 12:00PM on Saturday for a quick meet / briefing, then gather back there at 12:30 after any final personal prep, in anticipation of the 12:45PM sweep departure.


Description / Responsibilities:
Course sweepers start on course from the Start / Finish / Aid Station 3 / West Assembly Area, once released to do so by the race director, after the Saturday 12:45PM cutoff time has elapsed and has been enforced. The finish line lead, race director or whoever the race director delegates to is responsible for the enforcement cutoffs / pulling / not allowing runners who have missed the cutoff to continue.

Sweepers should follow the last runner(s) at a respectful distance (typically out of sight / sound if they are progressing well enough), picking up flags, trash, and looking for runners in distress. When sweeping, cover the course slowly and methodically, as a group, paying attention to your surroundings and making sure nobody is in trouble. Sweeps are not out there to get their own “run” or “workout” in, in fact there are very few instance where any sweep should ever be running, and in general a sweep team should never split up (unless it is to stay with a runner in distress / requiring evac, while some of the sweepers continue on). You may get behind an especially “slow” runner at the back of the pack, especially late in the race. Please be patient and show kindness if you come in contact with them. If a runner in distress is encountered, depending on the severity of the situation help may need to be called for, we aim two radios on the sweep.

The last 3.5 miles of the sweep (from Aid Station 2 / Central, to the finish) is sometimes done via ATV, especially if the sweep gets far behind the last runner. If this happens a couple of the sweeps will peel off and either get a ride back to the start / finish area from volunteers at Aid Station 2 / Central, or may walk in, while one or two sweeps ride in the ATV with the operator, picking up flags.

Volunteers need to be very fit, able to carry some weight and travel the entire 17 mile loop distance on foot. You will need to carry a daypack and be prepared for all weather conditions; i.e. bring rain gear, something warm, etc. Pack food and water and plan to be out for long durations. Work gloves are recommended when handing the marking flags due to the possibility of rust on the reflective marking flag hangers.


Additional Items to Carry:
Basic first aid kit, small garbage bags to pick up trash.


The ‘Sweep Lead’ and one other sweep will carry portable radios. They are able to communicate with Net Control / race communications headquarters.


Medical Sweeps:
Sweepers with medical training are welcome and encouraged and can provide a very useful skillset to a sweeping crew.



Final Cleanup / Load Out


The direct link to this content is https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/volunteer-jobs/#final-cleanup-load-out


Day: Saturday

4:00 PM  (Approximate)

7:30 PM


Report To:
Race Director at Zumbro Bottoms Management Area West Assembly Area / Race Start-Finish Area.


Responsibilities / Description:
Final clean-up, tear down and haul-out of race equipment. If you are volunteering in another role elsewhere are are interested in staying on to help with this task, please let us know.



Finish Line


The direct link to this content is https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/volunteer-jobs/#finish-line


Day: Saturday

As early as 2:00 AM / whenever the first finisher arrives (see below).

6:30 PM


Report To:
Zumbro Bottoms Management Area West Assembly Area (Start / Finish) area – 2025 Leads: Jeff Miller, Elliot Nelson, Mel Nelson


Description / Responsibilities:
Work finish line of the Zumbro Endurance Run 100, 50, 34 and 17 mile trail races.

• Finish line leads will interface with the timers to predict the approximate time of day the first 100 mile finisher is expected, so the finish line is staffed when they arrive. The current course record is held by Michael Borst, from 2018, with a time of 18:04, a finish time of day of 2:04 AM.

• Hand all runners a finishers medal, and 100 mile runners a buckle, when the cross the finish line.

• Direct / help 100 mile runners to sign the 100 mile finisher banner.

• Assist runners once they cross the finish line, helping wobbly runners off of their feet, offer water, soda or snacks / food as needed. Pass runners off to their crew, friends and family.

• Interface with the timers, offering them assistance if they need any.

• Keep an eye out for runners in duress – interface with medical volunteers if needed.

• Be available to answer runner questions.

• Cheer and keep the vibe high!

• Work at the direction of the race director and in concert with the sweep team in order to enforce the 12:45PM cutoff.



First 100 Mile Finishers By Year:

Year First Last Time TOD Saturday
2026 TBD
2025 TBD
2024 Michael Asmus 22:12:17 6:12 AM
2023 Brian Corgard 21:39:41 5:39 AM
2022 John Hagen 22:26:26 6:26 AM
2018 Scott Coles 28:09:14 12:09 PM
2017 Doug Kleemeier 19:42:48 3:42 AM
2016 Paul Shol 20:43:45 4:43 AM
2015 Michael Borst 18:04:00 2:04 AM
2014 Nathan Leehman 20:30:52 4:30 AM
2013 Garrett Peltonen 21:46:19 5:46 AM
2012 Bob Gerenz 21:16:04 5:16 AM
2011 Adam Schwartz-Lowe 21:53:05 5:53 AM
2010 John Storkamp 23:21:21 7:21 AM
2009 Dallas Sigurdur 26:18:21 10:18 AM
Average 6:09 AM




Day: Friday – Saturday

Start: Friday 7:30 AM

Finish: Saturday 6:30 PM


Report To:
Communications Coordinators Matt Todd & Jen Purdes


Provide event and emergency radio communications using our commercial radio system. Ideal candidates for primary communicator roles are individuals who are amateur / HAM Radio licensed or those that communicate over radio for their job / professionally (military, law enforcement, emt/paramedic, dispatch, etc.) If you are interested in joining our communications team, please reach out.




Day(s): Thursday-Saturday

Report To:
Zumbro Bottoms Management Area West Assembly (Race Start / Finish) – Race Director

Distribute supplies to each aid station on Thursday and pick up supplies when aid stations close on Saturday. Resupply as needed. Help with final cleanup and load out.

Related Information:
Maps and Data



The direct link to this content is https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/volunteer-jobs/#medical-support


Days: Fri-Sat

7:00 AM Friday

6:30 PM Saturday


Report To:
Zumbro River Bottoms Management Area – West Assembly (Start / finish and transition area for the start of each loop) or Aid Station 1/4 or Aid Station 2/3.  Report to medical lead(s) or Race Director.


Description / Responsibilities:
Medial personnel to staff the start/ finish area / Aid Station 3, Aid Station 2 / Central Assembly and may be dispatched out onto the course if need be. Medical volunteers will be asked to provide current credentials prior to volunteering. Our direction to our volunteers with medical training, who are acting as good samaritans, is that they can go ahead and help with anything that is very minor (bumps and bruise kind of stuff) while anything that they are not comfortable addressing, and certainly anything major, will be called in by our HAM / Amateur Radio Operators so we can get local emergency services involved as quickly as possible. There will be an AED at the finish. We supply very basic first aid kits at each aid station but the only medication we provide is antihistamine tablets (for bee stings), otherwise we (the race organization and our medical volunteers) do not provide or distribute any medications.


Related Information:
For Emergencies loop in our on-site HAM Radio communications team and Dial 911

Google Map Directions in printable .PDF format to Wabasha and Rochester Hospitals click HERE

Wabasha (Closest Option) St. Elizabeth Hospital 1200 Grant Blvd. West Wabasha, MN  55981 Telephone: 651.565.4531 Emergency 651.565.4531 Google Map LINK

Rochester (Advanced Care) Saint Mary’s Hospital 1216 Second Street SW Rochester, MN  55902 General Number 507-255-5123 Google Map LINK




The direct link to this content is https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/volunteer-jobs/#parking


Day(s): Fri-Sat
Fri AM 6:00 – Fri AM 8:00 for the 100 Mile
Fri PM 10:00 – Fri PM 10:30 for the 50 Mile
Sat AM 5:30 – Sat AM 9:30 for the 17 & 34 Mile


Report To:
Zumbro Bottoms Management Area West Assembly (Race Start / Finish) – Robbie Skantz (he will be wearing a orange safety vest), rest of the parking volunteers will be in yellow safety vests.

You will be issued a safety vest and radio in order to help with parking. If you have a headlamp you may want to bring it / make use of it, especially for 50 mile parking.


Description / Responsibilities:
This is a very important job. Arriving and parking is the first touchpoint on race day / weekend with runners, crew, pacers and spectators. We want it to be an order, safe and positive experience. If not managed we will run out of parking, or there can be damage to vehicles, turf, or infrastructure. Thank you for your assistance with this important task.

The Zumbro Bottoms Management Unit West Assembly Area is the start / finish area of the Zumbro Endurance Run. It is a huge area with more than enough space for all of the runners, volunteers, crew, pacers and spectators to park. That said, it is laid out as a campground and there is no designated parking lot or delineated parking spaces. Those helping with parking will be tasked with helping to usher cars in and directing them where to park, so we can fit the most cars in as possible, in a safe and orderly manner. Specific care should be taken to avoid turf damage since much of the parking will be in the grass. Additionally volunteers should do their best to alert motorists to obstacles and help them to avoid them, these include but are not limited to picnic tables, fire pits, horse related infrastructure.


Related Information:
Race Start / Finish / West Assembly Diagram
Maps and Data





The direct link to this content is https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/volunteer-jobs/#photography


Day: Friday – Saturday

Start: Fri AM 7:00

Sat PM 6:30


Report To:
Race Director


Description / Responsibilities:
We welcome the assistance of professional, aspiring professional or hobbyist photographers. Trail running is an “action sport” so in order to capture the best shots you generally need to have a good DSLR or mirrorless camera with a big sensor (so photos do not turn out blurry). We will always assign at least one photographer to the finish line to get at least one photo of every race finisher. Additionally it is important to have photographers at the race start(s) and out on the race course, capturing running action shots and other peripheral happenings. You can get a good idea of the event and the types of shots you can expect to get by checking out the curated selection of photos on the home page of our website. https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/


Related Information:
Maps and Data

Post Race Food


The direct link to this content is https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/volunteer-jobs/#post-race-food


Day: Saturday

Start: 9:00 AM

Finish: 6:30 PM


Report To:
Zumbro Bottoms Management Area West Assembly Area (Start / Finish) area. Lead: Cheri Storkamp


Description / Responsibilities:
Help with the post race picnic keeping food and beverages stocked, serving runners, emptying garbage and recycling and keeping things tidy. Specific / (pre)trained individuals will be designated as “pizza chef(s)” This is a great task for those that love to cook and/or serve others. Also, if you are a chef, or other type of food service professional, we would love to have you!





Sunday Cleanup

Help clean-up the day after the race (Sunday) in Hastings, MN from approximately 9:00AM until 3:00PM.  Includes drying canopies, washing tables, sorting equipment, washing dishes and putting things away. All the aid station snacks you can eat! Race director will email those that have signed up for this position approximately a week before.



The direct link to this content is https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/volunteer-jobs/#timing


Day: Friday – Saturday

Start: Fri AM 10:00

Sat PM End


Report To:
Timing Crew / Leads at Zumbro Bottoms West Assembly Area / Race Start-Finish Area. Tyler, Craig, Tim, Jon.


Description / Responsibilities:
Volunteer(s) will assist our lead timers by calling out bib numbers, manual input of bib numbers into our backup timing system, announcing runners as they finish, and more.  It helps to have good eyes and decent computer / data entry skills. Positions may not always be available as timers may recruit independently and in advance.


Related Information:

Thursday Setup


The direct link to this content is https://www.zumbroendurancerun.com/volunteer-jobs/#thursday-setup


Day: Thursday

Start: Thurs AM 10:00

Thurs PM 3:00(ish) – could finish earlier or run later


Report To:
Race Director John Storkamp at Zumbro Bottoms Management Unit West Assembly Area / race Start-Finish and Aid Station 3.

Google Maps directions HERE https://maps.app.goo.gl/JgRpozzeGbGk7jpD8


Description / Responsibilities:
Help unload trailers and trucks and set up the Start-Finish / Aid Station 3 area including packet pickup, start line, finish line, pizza kitchen, drop bag tent and more. A significant amount of lifting is required.